
Lucozade uses the popular footballer Gareth Bale to portrait their product. they do this as most of people buying the energy drink will be under 18 and most will be asking parents to buy them the drink. As the target audience are quite young as often fall victim to the media subliminal messaging they will see Gareth Bale on the post or advertisement and will think that drinking the drink will help be a better footballer. The ad also features the words "scientifically proven". This is to appeal to parents who will actually be paying for the drink in most cases. The words also have a yellow background so that they stand out over top of the image of Gareth Bale. Gareth Bale is very large in the ad. However, he does not very much colour in him. This is most likely done so that people see the contrast and their favourite footballer but they don't focus on that. They will focus on the advertising "hype words". This was a very successful campaign by lucozade as their price for stocks went up afterwards.
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