Video Comparison

The Similarities between the two shots are that we both had one person standing in front of the plain background. the camera angle we used was very similar to the original A straight on wide shot showing some of the surrounding area and background. We managed to match the style of outfit that the actors were wearing as they both wore a jacket with a tie. The lighting of the shot was also all natural light like the original. the differences of the shots include, the outfit while the same style are different looking as ours used a school uniform and the original had a full colourful suit. the location was different as well as we used the wall of a school building and the original used use the fence and corner or a building in London.
The lighting in both videos used natural light this was because the original was standing in front of a white building which means a lot of light was being reflected back at the subject and camera.
The mise en scene for ours was slightly off as we could only get so close to the original video before becoming unacceptable.
The camera in the shot needed to pan around the subject(s) this was difficult to achieve with a bridge camera and no tracks to use so the camera is a bit shaky and had to be adjusted for in most, where as the original video had all these an achieved a clean shot.
The actors worked well with the director and camera operator but we had a limited range of people to use as there was little diversity in the group.
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